Friday, 9 September 2011


It looks like its raining outside - we are going to go and get breakfast soon.

I  cant believe this is it- I am starting my 4 year course at Edinburgh university studying Art history. 

Edinburgh college of art being a walk away I expect to be doing more doodling and drawing than ever( ok perhaps a bit less than at chelsea--- melancholia ....) but I will have my eyes and heart wide open to new art / old art  and have taken up with me my sketch books. There are plenty of art societies here so I will be joining those and picking up life drawing that I dearly missed in London. 

Edinburgh : a brand new source of inspiration- a brand new landscape to draw inspiration from.
Away from London's busy graphic scene, here in Edinburgh  I expect to be reminded of my artistic phase I went through in Cornwall and in Britanny.
I have a greater understanding of my taste in art. Over the summer I enjoyed " In the wilds " by Nigel Peake and started doing some water colour myself. It confirmed to me that water colour really is my favourite medium.

Anyway, I might start a new blog but for now- I am continuing this one. Lets see how it goes! 


Tuesday, 29 March 2011

The last steps

The finnish line is in two days time and I have finished my book and I am reviewing my work now. All seems fine. I'm pleased. I know  my box still needs a bit of work and I need to display all of my work in the correct way first. I am a bit worried about the images I need to submit for the showreel.... just technicalities like size, layout on a canvas... we will have to see....

Sunday, 27 March 2011


After all of that green triangles cutting I realised that the cover would look better in white- take 2- white  triangles !

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Little angular thoughts

Cutting more triangles for my book cover is making a bit crazy. Living an angular life is killing me but soon comes glueing!!  The next thing I need to worry about is printing off this blog. ooo and also just finished  sticking the book cloth to the cardboard- sounds easy- so not.

Friday, 25 March 2011


 THIS MORNING WAS " STRESSY STRESSY'- panicking about formats and last minute photoshop  canvas size problems. BUT in the end- all was ok. I got the collages printed on cartridge paper  and used the guillotine  to cut the strips- Then I folded all the pages in order to make my constina book. Yesterday I bought the book cloth at Falkners and cardboard at the chelsea shop. So tonight I will be putting my book together!! YAY.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Pictures of dark fun!

The best days of my life

Today was one of the days that when you go to bed you think : wow today I was truly happy ! Sounds  so cheesy but that's the truth.Today was going to be a good day the moment the bright sun began to shine-the sun shone down on me as I  walked by the river side on route for destination somerset house.
The "pick me up" exhibition was enlightening, inspiring, beautiful, moving and very very relevant! .......It was just amazing. There i said it.I suddenly felt a burst of inspiration and just wanted to go back to Chelsea and finish my own designs.

The reasons it was so relevant- 1. Stylistically - the illustrations were all very eerie, odd and many of them reminded me of the imagery I was trying to achieve
2. The content- many illustrations were mad mad worlds - one even was inspired by Calvino's invisible cities and was practically  identical to my "urban mountain"collage.
3- I even saw one image that was inspired by exactly the same concept I had had for the book project- book anatomy.
4- I saw right at the end some mini 3 D worlds that were perfect inspiration for my box.

Then I went to college and finished most of my collages.
The book is officially become my place of refuge. The places i imagine existing in my thoughts and day dreams. Even if they have been stylised they are still fairy accurate to the reveries.
For example when I wrote the reverie of going to the city London( and the rabbits attacking me) and this one inspired the urban mountains. Then the forests are very accurate forests I imagined after going to wales and then watching sleeping beauty.... I still need to give more details of all of the reveries and the inspirations but to be fair they are all in my sketchbook .....Oh I don't know.
So about the box... the box has become a little taster of what a 3D reverie world might look like.I can't wait to start building it ! I have all the parts... just have to put them together now.I also need to bind the book this weekend and redesign my hand in and all the general paper work. GONNA BE FUN.

The creature