Monday, 21 March 2011


 More dark fun!  Having made more creatures to inhabit more worlds me and Mariam set out  at 10 p.m.  to take some night time photographs with the masks on The photos were really great - I even think they could be a final piece if i wanted to - I will play around with the imagery more tomorrow but for now I have just uploaded them, grayscale printed them out and then rescanned to place them in my collages.
The idea for a book is really working out - I decided to make a Constantine book( that folds out like a map-( the book being a map I  chose this format-that makes sense right?)) and not getting the book glue bound because then the book would look very flimsy and sort of similar to a pamphlet. I still need to print out my collages out at college with Jeff upstairs at Chelsea - they will be printed on a role and each page with be the width of an A5 piece of paper. We decided this was the best size.

In the meantime, my book idea is still on - only its going to have to be just one box- a taster in 3D form of one of the worlds that will be featured inside the map book.

Also Wendy reminded me that I need to print out my photographs from wales and "all the dark fun" photographs and present them in a portfolio manor- I mustn't forget to put all the dispossible camera pictures and also put my film on a CD.  GOSH thats a lot of things to do! but i  can do this! i must do this!

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