Tuesday, 1 March 2011

The fantasies of the weekend

Friday 24th of Feb:

I’m going on a walk to the park next to my house. Emilia and I climb the hill and get to the ivy tunnel.  We  reach the ferns and hide from the dinosaurs.  They are eating   the leaves in the corner. We  crawl on the flour, through the grass- it’s so damp , the moss sucks us in. Near the pond we see some animals in the trees. As we look closely we see that they are squirrels. They are divided into two gangs(grey and red squirrels). The grey gang claims the territory but the reds have lived here for centuries . The grey squirrels have put their flag on the branch. 


We take the car to go Wales to see granny. That means we are going to the fairyland. The fairyland is great and wonderful. The gate is locked but  my daddy has the key. We go down the drive , the dark trees block the sunlight. The lake and the forest is to the west and to the east the pond with the magic trees and the tree house. We get out of the car and say hello to granny . Us  children go straight to see the fairy people. They live with the frogs and fish in the pond .Their houses are in the moss at the bottom of the trees. I talk to Lola, my favourite one. We play  by the pond and climb the trees. We see that the monkey people still live up above.

Next we go to the lake. The sky was inside the water that day. We were looking at the frogs born and realised they were eyes.  We spoke to Mr. frog and said he was aware of the fraud. But we were curious so put the yes in jars.

We went to woods. Their were no birds or any animals. We find more of the fairy people. We also see the graffalos. We got to a clearing and saw our tree house. There were all the animals waiting for us. The deers came in huge numbers to  greet us.
The tree house is huge inside. The first bit is wooden then it becomes a tent and then a glass hut. To access it you have to climb the opposite tree ,  go over the bridge and get into a glass box. Inside the box there is a tunnel down the drunk and it goes underground  then inside the trunk of the tree with The tree house. That’s the only way up.  We read books and drink  fruit tea , ice cream sodas, eat exotic cup cakes and hot cross buns ooo and and granny sweets. We fall asleep in the afternoon.

Late afternoon we pick daffodils . They are for king George. The fields are rolling up and down.


Sunday we have tea inside the Wendy house. English tea and welsh cakes. Later we go down the lanes for a walk. We are walking to the sea.
Lake  frogs  tad poles  forest fairies

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