Tuesday, 8 February 2011

3D in Fashion and Textiles

The only 3D creations I have made in Vis com have been the artists books; the ghost book; the mind and kidney book and the revealing book.

 Coincidently, during the rotations I really enjoyed making the miniature book and the crying book in  Fashion and textiles. I think I am attracted to book making, especially artist books( the book as a piece of art-the emphasis being it’s shape and form, and less focus on the content :P ).

I am interested in trying to write a book ; combining my love of illustration and typography. I feel that if I had to design a book it would be intricate and the imagery would be weird and haunting. I think dark mysterious imagery interests me , maybe i am a dark person...... that sounds as if I might be a secret psychopath.... RIGHT, lets move on!

these are some of my 3D books done in Fashion and Textiles

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