Wednesday, 9 February 2011


My childhood obsession :  FANTASY games inspired by fairy tales.
I was often living my own FABRICATED world.
I was obsessed about WOODLAND.
I would enter this “state of reverie”  in GARDENS/ WOODS/ ON WALKS WITH MI PARENTS etc...
I remember constantly moving all my stuff from my room to make DENS in the  garden...
I might be using a lot of " I " 's but I'm guessing we can all relate to these things.

Many books and films are responsible for these "reveries"- very HAUNTING imagery would be engraved in my mind and I would often try to recreate these scenes in my own surroundings. Sometimes these images would reappear in dreams in which I would create new scenarios. Unlike now I could remember these dreams and afterwards I would pretend I was still in the dream .
My parents and others would often comment on my wild imagination, I would invent 100s of fantasy games.
Today I believe my tendency to daydream is linked to my creativity.

Many Artist have explored this subject .Some have created new fantasies inspired by their old ones. These references above are some examples.

I think we never shake this desire to escape to other worlds. Actually this desire intensifies when we enter adulthood but we have more elaborate ways of channelling it  for example going to see films like avatar.... one of the most successful films this year.
Adults often suppress their imagination because it is considered useless and weak. However "escapism" is  responsible for much of our happiness and is a huge part of our lives. Watching television,going to the cinema, reading a book,playing video games, going to exhibitions is all part of escaping our own world and entering an other. We might not play in woods anymore but we never stop imagining.

I was lucky as a child because little could be compared to the kicks I got from playing in my garden- today I wonder if children still love the outdoors as much as us kids did because  video games seem to be doing most of "imaging" work for them....

Fabricating our own little worlds is what I call  REVERIE  and this is going to be my area of interest for the next part  of the foundation course.

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