These are my first fantasies. I did go to these places this weekend
Date : Friday 18th of February
I’m walking with my dad and sister. We are near St- James Palace near Hyde Park. It’s nearly dark. My Daddy is the King and me and Emilia are his daughter princesses. The guards open up our house , but we have never been inside it ; it is it the GKN town house. The House has a large conservatory , there are orange trees inside it. The sky is also orange from the pollution. We go onto the balcony; we see Hyde park. The plain tree’s think it is still Christmas; they are wearing their Bo- balls.
There are other princes and princesses enjoying their evening promenades, there are flyer flies everywhere. It is silent in the garden.
Date : Saturday the 19th of February
“It is time for you girls to buy some proper fine jewellery” exclaims my father ,the King. We enter the Asprey shop. The Asprey shop is a little world of it’s own; there are streets inside the building, stair cases that lead to other parts of the shop. I take my camera out to take a photograph ; the store assistant approaches me and says “ sorry for the umpa lumpas security to do not permit taking photographs”.
The Umpa Lumpas work in the workshops; cutting the yellow diamonds. They are secretly employed by Asprey so that the other jewellers do not kidnap the Umpa Lumpas so they can force them to work long hours.
Date : Saturday 20th of February
It’s Fashion Week and Katherine , Usha and I are standing in the courtyard of Somerset house. We are all dressed in a formal wear as we watch the Issa fashion show from outside( Kate Middleton’s favourite designer). The models are wearing royal gowns. The Show ends and the models come out. They are as enchanting as mermaids but as evil as little devils. Their legs are 2 meters long and they have gigantic eyes. Like Cats. They stair at us. They like us to be reminded of our inferiority. The Press is there too, the girls pose. One girl with blue lips smiles- she has Pirana Teeth. We go to Tom’s Kitchen ; at the Bar sits Hamesh Bowls. His moustache is huge. We decide it’s time to go now.
Date : Saturday night 20th of February
We are in my room but we all feel like going out for frozen yogurt. We get to Soho ; it’s like a labyrinth. You can feel the devil’s presence in the air. Us girls notice we are dressed in white gowns. Our faces look frightened and pale. We keep on walking. Soon enough we feel less scared; the sex shops seem more and more enchanting and beautiful. There are peacock people outside the doors they invite us in. We see the sign “ XXX” , we push back the curtain and go down the 200 steps. There are plenty of erotic marble statues; the peacock people are still behind us. The statues look so soft. I feel my arm reach for his face. I feel the cold marble. I also suddenly feel cold. Stiff.
I have turned to stone.
Date : Sunday afternoon 20th of February
Usha , Katherine and I are lost in the concrete Jungle- we see the gherkin behind a brick church. Everything is dead. We are lost thinks Usha, she has fallen into despair.
We keep walking in the blistering cold and suddenly see Liverpool station; it is alive again, it feels a little warmer.
We know where we are; the buildings are smaller , the streets are narrower. We are very close.
Brick lane is busy; fire spitters; circus people and pirates. The people are dirty and speak in funny languages.
Colours. Lots of colours.
The pirate people serve us some food and the Indian goddesses spoil us with Chai tea. We see some black gates and green trees. We see some dangling feathers and warrior totems.
Inside the market, we meet a woman who wears odd glasses. We are lost inside the labyrinth of Markets stools , we hidden under the sheets of a giant den. The outside world is gone.
We find the exit. We are back in the concrete jungle. All is silent. Except we see some giant rabbits. They rule this part of town on Sundays. They are albino rabbits. They have redy /pinky eyes, like marbles. As they bounce the ground shakes a little. We must run; we are dressed as flowers. The rabbits think we look delicious.
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